ICEC – Covid-19 Update (1st January 2021)

ICEC – Covid-19 Update (1st January 2021)

Assalaamu alaiykum warahmatulahi wabarakatuhu

With the end of Lockdown 2 our Masjid re-opened on Friday 4th December 2020 from Fajr onwards for all 5 daily prayers and for the weekly Jummah Prayer.

The Government has placed the Dudley Borough into Tier 4 from 31st December 2020 with additional restrictions inforce. Family members from the same household will not be able to stand together to pray as before but stand a metre apart. The Government Tier 4 guidelines can be found here:

Please understand and follow the guidelines for your own safety and others and please listen to the stewards on site. Can you also please make sure you bring your masks, prayer mats and a carrier bag to place your shoes in.

Please help us to protect the community, the congregation and enable the Masjid to remain open by following all the rules and regulations as stipulated by the Government.

Jazakallah khair

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