Announcement surrounding Covid-19 and the re-opening of the Markhaz

Announcement surrounding Covid-19 and the re-opening of the Markhaz

Assalamalaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatahu,

We pray you are well and in strong Iman. Insha’Allah.

This is to advise that the Islamic Community & Education Centre (ICEC) Trustees and Management team have decided NOT to re-open the centre on the 4th of July 2020.

We do not feel it is the right time to re-open. We have discussed the matter with other Masjid’s around the country and individuals from both medical and legal fields and have come to the conclusion that it is not safe to re-open at this present time.

We have a duty of care on our congregation and the team at the centre takes this very seriously. The Health and Safety and wellbeing of our congregation is very important to us.

We are closely watching what is happening around the country and monitoring the guidance being given by the UK Government. Covid-19 is still an issue, it hasn’t gone away.

Many Brothers and Sisters have been in contact with the ICEC team asking when we will re-open, so that they can attend the 5 daily prayers and to restart the classes and other events which we had planned. We can only re-open the centre when we feel it is safe to do so.

As the Covid-19 situation improves and the social distancing rules stipulated by the Government are further relaxed we will then look again at re-opening. In the meantime please be patient and bear with us during this difficult time.

Over the next week or so we will be spending time at the Markhaz cleaning it thoroughly so we are ready to re-open as soon as we feel it is safe to do so.

Trustees and Management Team

Islamic Community & Education Centre (ICEC), Lye

4th July 2020

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