

Islamic Community & Education Centre needs your support and help for it to start it’s important work to serve the community. The Centre does not receive government funding or subsidies, it relies solely on the support of the community.

We welcome your donation no matter how large or small. May Allah reward you.

Allah, the Most High, says:
“Those who spend their wealth by night and day (in Allah’s cause), in secret and in public, shall have their reward with their Lord.” (Baqarah (2): 274)

Narrated by Abdullah Bin Masud (Allah be pleased with him):

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

“Do not wish to be like anyone except in two cases. The first is a person, whom Allah has given wealth and he spends it righteously. The second is the one whom Allah has given wisdom and he acts accordingly to it and teaches it to others.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol 1)

“We appeal to our brothers and sisters to donate generously for the creation of the House of Allah and the realisation of our vision.”

Bank Details:

Islamic Community & Education Centre (ICEC)

Lloyds Bank Stourbridge
Sort code: 30-98-21
Account No: 01324435
IBAN: GB55 LOYD 3098 2101 3244 35

Charity does not decrease wealth. Please donate generously and deposit for your Ahkhira.

Charity Registration No:- 1137985

You can now donate to the ICEC via our PayPal page. Click on the PayPal button below:

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