ICEC Childrens Islamic Education Classes Application Form

ICEC Childrens Islamic Education Classes Application Form

ICEC Childrens Islamic Education Classes Application Form
Does your child have any Special Educational Needs (SEN)? *
Does the child have any Disabilities / Medical Conditions / Allergies? *
Does your child take any regular medication? *
Which Madrasah class(es) are you applying for? (Please select one option) *
Please select who your child will travel with (to and from classes): *
DECLARATION: I, the Parent/Guardian of the above mentioned child confirm that all the information provided in this Admission form is true to the best of my knowledge. I agree to abide by the IC&EC Children's Madrasah Admission Policy and fully accept and understand that my child will be expected to abide by all rules and regulations laid down by IC&EC Madrasah. (16th January 2024) *