ICEC Madrasah (Children’s Classes) Admission Policy

ICEC Madrasah (Children’s Classes) Admission Policy

  1. If there are more applicants for a limited number of spaces, preference will be given in accordance to the following list:
    • Siblings within the Madrasah
    • Catchment area
    • Date application was made
    • The age of the child; older children will be given preference. Minimum age is 5 years.
    • Waiting List Order
    • The decision to accept/reject children’s applications lies solely with the Management of the ICEC Madrasah. There is no right of appeal. However, will we try to explain our decision.


  1. Please ensure that you inform us of any changes to the details written on the Application Form. We will need up-to-date details to be able to contact you.


  1. The opening times of the ICEC Madrasah will be:
    • Session 1: 5.00pm to 6.00pm
    • Session 2: 6.00pm to 7.00pm
    • Tuesday, Thursday and Friday (3 days), for the Boys classes
    • Doors are open from 4.45pm
    • Please Note: Girls classes have not been scheduled yet


  1. It will be the responsibility of parents to ensure that their children arrive, and are picked up, on time. Regular late pickup of children will result in a late fee of £20 being charged. Parents must park their cars in a sensible manner, while at the Madrasah. Madrasah Staff/Management reserves the right to ask parents to remove their vehicles if they are parked inconsiderably.


  1. Fridays will be given as a holiday for children from learning, however events such as Parent’s Evenings, etc. etc. will still take place on this day.


  1. Children must not to bring expensive items or large sums of money to Madrasah. Cameras, Tablets, CDs, DVDs, games, toys, knives of any form, Tip-ex, chewing gum, food, gift items or any other material not relevant to a child’s education at the ICEC Madrasah, must never be brought to Madrasah under any circumstances. Please note that any such items found in Madrasah will be confiscated.


  1. Mobile phones must be switched off during Madrasah learning hours of 5:00pm and 7.00pm.


  1. All children must be well behaved at all times. Parents will be informed, by phone in extreme cases, when their child misbehaves. In the worst cases children may be excluded from the Madrasah. Repetition of lesser bad behaviour may also result in exclusion from the Madrasah. The Madrasah will operate a no smacking policy as this sort of reprimand is against the law, contrary to Islamic teachings as well as British values.


  1. Madrasah fees (as of October 2023) will be: £30 per student, per month.  There is also a one-off £5 admin fee to cover books and stationary per child. All fees must be paid in full via bank transfer or standing order on the 1st of each month. Fees are non- refundable regardless of how many days a child takes off. If fees are not paid in time, this will result in your child(ren) losing their space(s). All outstanding fees owing to the Madrasah must be paid regardless of your child(ren) no longer attending Madrasah. There will be a fee cap of £60 per month for multiple students from the same family. Please set up a standing order using the following account details:

    Islamic Community & Education Centre (ICEC)
    Lloyds Bank Stourbridge
    Sort code: 30-98-21
    Account No: 01324435
    BIC: LOYDGB21352
    IBAN: GB55 LOYD 3098 2101 3244 35

    In the reference field please add the test “MD” followed by your enrolement number(s). Your enrolment number(s) will be sent to you when your places have been confirmed. If you have more than on child enrolled, please add all of the enrolment numbers i.e. MD 997, 998, 999 

  1. All children must have at least 80% attendance. Any child who does not achieve this attendance level will have their position at the Madrasah reviewed. Parents must attend the review meeting. Failure to attend may result in the suspension of the child from the Madrasah.


  1. Parents will be expected to help their child with any homework given by the class teacher. Parents will be jointly responsible with the child for completion of homework within the required deadline. The ICEC Madrasah Student Diary containing homework should be signed off by the parents once the homework is complete.


  1. Unauthorised entrance to the Madrasah will not be allowed. Parents who want to see a class teacher can do so via a request with the Madrasah Administration and/or with a request with the child’s teacher either before or after Madrasah hours but never in learning time (5:00pm to 7.00pm). Under no circumstances are parents allowed to enter the Madrasah in an attempt to talk with any teacher or in an attempt to resolve matters without the permission of the Madrasah Management.


  1. ICEC Madrasah reserves the right to amend this policy at any time. Parents will be advised of any amendments which will also be updated on our website.


  1. Parents/Guardians agree to all of the above as well as accept and abide by ICEC Madrasah Rules, Regulations and Policies by making an application to the ICEC Madrasah.


  1. Please ensure that your details are up to date. If any details change, please inform us immediately so that we are able to contact you.


(16th January 2024)